Katrin Erlebnisweg. Auf den Spuren der Gams.

  • Suitable for families

 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4820 Bad Ischl
Destination: 4820 Bad Ischl

duration: 1h 57m
length: 3,0 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 356m
Altitude difference (downhill): 337m

Lowest point: 1.337m
Highest point: 1.501m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Hiking trail

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The 2.9-kilometre Katrin Adventure Trail is a circular hike that starts at the cable car mountain station.

On the approximately one hour and 20 minute hike, children "follow in the footsteps of the chamois" and playfully collect information about the plants and animals of the mountain world. The twelve stations provide fascinating insights into the habitat at 1,400 metres above sea level. But knowledge about the use of the landscape for agriculture, salt production and recreation is also part of a better understanding of the mountain ecosystem and helps to preserve this natural jewel. As a service for international guests, the entire adventure trail has been designed in two languages.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for families
  • Suitable for children
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Katrin Erlebnisweg. Auf den Spuren der Gams.
Katrin Seilbahn GmbH
Kaltenbachstraße 62
4820 Bad Ischl

Phone +43 6132 23788
E-Mail info@katrinseilbahn.com
Web www.katrinseilbahn.com

We speak the following languages


 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4820 Bad Ischl
Destination: 4820 Bad Ischl

duration: 1h 57m
length: 3,0 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 356m
Altitude difference (downhill): 337m

Lowest point: 1.337m
Highest point: 1.501m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Hiking trail

powered by TOURDATA