Pizzeria Damas
St. Pantaleon, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- Vegetarian
Italian specialities from pizza to pasta.
- opened daily
Food types
- International
- Mediterranean
- Vegetarian
Local dishes
- Italian
- Austrian
Room information
- Indoor: 25 Number of seats
Payment methods
Other payment methods
Cash payment
- Suitable for seniors
- Suitable for single travelers
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for couples
- Suitable for children
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
5120 St. Pantaleon
Phone +43 6277 20406
E-Mail pizzeria-damas@hotmail.com
Web www.pizzeria-damas.at
You can also visit us on
Visit us on FacebookContact person
Lavand Gargary
5120 St. Pantaleon
Phone +43 6277 20406
Web www.stpantaleon.at/freizeit/gasthaeuser-unterkuenfte/
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