Nah & Frisch Café Gierlinger
Haslach an der Mühl, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Cozy atmosphere in the center of Haslach.
Breakfast, coffee and home-made pastries, as well as lunch from Monday to Friday. Closing day
- Sunday
Room information
- Indoor: 35 Number of seats
- Garden / Patio: 15 Number of seats
Payment methods
Debit and credit cards
ATM card
Other payment methods
Cash payment
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4170 Haslach an der Mühl
Phone +43 7289 724 - 15
mobile +43 664 2343218
Contact person
Nah & Frisch Café Gierlinger
Sternwaldstraße 15
4170 Haslach an der Mühl
Phone +43 7289 724 - 15
mobile +43 664 2343218
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