Restaurant Horizont
Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- Vegetarian
Self-service restaurant in the WIFI building Linz.
In our Cafe Horizont we offer homemade pastries, coffee and tea specialties, soft drinks, cocktails as well as snacks and coffee to go. In addition to the lunch menu, the self-service restaurant also has an extensive afternoon and evening menu. With regional and healthy food at fair prices!
Mon-Fri 7 am-7 pm; Sat 7 am-2 pm
Closing day
- Sunday
- holiday
- Self-service
- Pick up / takeaway
Kitchen hours
Mon-Fri 11 am-7 pm (warm cuisine); snacks all day long
Food types
- Regional
- Mediterranean
- Vegetarian
Local dishes
- Chinese
- Italian
- Austrian
Room information
- Indoor: 200 Number of seats
- W-Lan
Payment methods
Debit and credit cards
ATM card
Mobile and online
Apple Pay
Other payment methods
Cash payment
Accessibility / arrival
Linz Linien: 1, 2 - WIFI
Parking- Parking space: 300
- Parking area for disabled: 20
Suitable for wheelchairs: Not all of the legally stipulated ÖNORM are complied with. In principle, this object is suitable for wheelchairs and no assistance is necessary.
4020 Linz
Phone +43 732 342165 - 11
Contact person
Mrs Irene Hinterreiter
Legal contact information
Seeber Gourmet GmbH powered by TOURDATA