Police station Windischgarsten
Windischgarsten, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- All weather
Do you want to show a criminal offense, give evidence of criminal or objects sought or is a danger to life, limb or property against, please contact directly to the nearest police station.
It is recommended that displays to report offenses not via e-mail, since in this case no immediate action can be guaranteed. The personal interview at a police station saves queries in recording facts and allows the determination of the identity of witnesses required in a short way. Police service number 059-133 Wherever you choose, the police service number 059-133 in Austria - always takes you to the nearest police station. Calls from mobiles will be forwarded to the relevant District Police Command or Stadtpolizeikommando. However, the service does not replace the emergency number 059-133. In imminent danger please call the Emergency Call 133 € 112 Other important phone numbers in case of emergency: Fire 122 rescue 144 Medical Emergency 141The police Windischgarsten is not always occupied the spot! In Nofall call the police emergency number 133!
602 m
Accessibility / arrivalThe Windischgarsten police station is located exactly opposite the Windischgarsten parish church on the second floor above the Raiffeisenbank.
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4580 Windischgarsten
Phone +43 59 1334128100
Fax machine +43 59 1334128109
E-Mail pi-o-windischgarsten@polizei.gv.at
Web www.polizei.gv.at/
Contact person
Polizeiinspektion Windischgarsten
Bahnhofstraße 6
4580 Windischgarsten
Phone +43 59 1334128100
Fax machine +43 59 1334128109
E-Mail pi-o-windischgarsten@polizei.gv.at
Web www.polizei.gv.at/
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