Radsportclub Wolfgangsee
Strobl, Salzburg, Österreich
- Suitable for groups
In December 2019, Magdalena Bogensperger and Christian Sams filed an application to set up an association.
Work began at the end of January with the decision from the association authorities.
A board was appointed and membership agreements were immediately drawn up, clothing designed and sponsors sought.
But what does that mean? We train children and young people, organise workshops, promote and support
and support competitive sport, organise rides and excursions.
Our vision is to inspire young and old for cycling and to offer as many members of the Wolfgangsee Cycling Club as possible a platform. Joint rides, events and competitions are planned.
- Suitable for groups
- Suitable for schools
- Suitable for teenagers
- Suitable for seniors
- Suitable for single travelers
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for couples
- Suitable for children
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
Please get in touch for more information.
5350 Strobl
E-Mail info@radsportclub-wolfgangsee.at
Web www.radsportclub-wolfgangsee.at/
Contact person
Mr Christian Sams
Paradiesweg 1
5350 Strobl
E-Mail info@radsportclub-wolfgangsee.at
Web www.radsportclub-wolfgangsee.at/
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