Wo der Hopfen wächst

Kefermarkt, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • Suitable for groups

In the midst of green hop fields in the rolling hills, time seems to pass a little more slowly.

Picturesque, idyllic and typical of the Mühlviertel: this is how the location of BierbuschenschankEder Bräu can be described. From the guest garden, you can practically watch the hops grow while enjoying a real "Ederbräu", as it borders directly on the surrounding fields.
The Ehrensperger family cultivates this mighty plant on 15 hectares between Kefermarkt and Pregarten. "You can really watch the hops grow. Because when everything is right, hops grow between 20 and 30 centimetres a day," says hop farmer Margit Ehrensperger. The largest brewery in the region, the Freistadt brewery, also uses 100% Mühlviertel hops and repeatedly emphasises that hops are the soul of beer.

A walk or cycle tour along the hop fields is particularly worthwhile at the end of August. It's harvest time and those interested can see at first hand how the beer ingredient is harvested. If you like cycling, you can set off from the Bierbuschenschank Eder on the 200-kilometre beer and culinary bike tour.

Bierbuschenschank Eder Bräu: Friday and Saturday from 3pm to 10pm

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for groups
  • Suitable for seniors
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.


Wo der Hopfen wächst
Netzberg 32
4292 Kefermarkt

mobile +43 699 12150697
E-Mail bierbuschenschank@ederbraeu.at
Web www.ederbraeu.at/

Contact person
Mrs Margit Ehrensperger

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