Kulturverein Altenburg

Windhaag bei Perg, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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The Windhaag-Altenburg Cultural Association promotes awareness of the unique history of the village of Windhaag. The association runs the Altenburg Museum with the exhibition "The Count of Windhaag - The Incredible Story of Count Enzmilner".

The association enriches the cultural life of the village with events such as the International Museum Day or the Long Night of Museums. The association is also a point of contact for village development issues.

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Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
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Please get in touch for more information.


Kulturverein Altenburg
Altenburg 2
4322 Windhaag bei Perg

Phone +43 664 4241289
E-Mail luger.mj@gmx.at

Contact person
Mr MMag. Martin Luger

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