Häusl's BIO Schafkäse / Häusl in Eselbach
St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- All weather
The Häusl organic farm in Eselbach in the village of St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck offers organic sheep's milk products as well as seasonal products such as lamb and beef for sale from the farm.
- Guided tour
- Certified organic
- AMA Genuss Region quality seal
- All weather
Please get in touch for more information.
4926 St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck
Phone +43 7753 35790
mobile +43 676 821262574
E-Mail spitzer@haeusl.at
Web www.haeusl.at/
Contact person
Family Spitzer
Obereselbach 5
4926 St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck
Phone +43 7753 35790
mobile +43 676 821262574
E-Mail spitzer@haeusl.at
Web www.haeusl.at/
Legal contact information
Obereselbach 5AT-4926 St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck
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