Großer Höllkogel

  • Flatly

 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4802 Ebensee
Destination: 4802 Ebensee

duration: 10h 22m
length: 21,5 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.708m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.704m

Lowest point: 1.234m
Highest point: 1.820m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Hiking trail

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High alpine mountain hike on stony mountain paths in places. Orientation is difficult in fog or snow - only set off in safe weather!

If it weren't for the altitude information on the map, you could organise an exciting quiz: Which of the countless mountain pine hills around the Rieder Hütte is the highest? With the naked eye, it's hard to make out the "altitude hit parade", as all the peaks on the karstified plateau of the Höllengebirge look similar: rugged, bone-dry and overgrown with mysterious carpets of mountain pines. They only show their character from below - many of them break off with steep walls towards the Langbathtal valley or the southern basin of the "Höll". From the Feuerkogel, we march westwards on a wide path past the lifts to the Gasselhöhe below the Heumahdgupf. From here, we follow trail no. 804 (Haasweg) down into the Edltal valley. Below the Alberfeldkogel (which can also be "taken along") and the slopes of the Gamskogel, we climb higher through a narrow rock alley and cross the wide karst slopes above the Großer Totengraben, passing a short secured section. Just below the Totengrabengupf (can be climbed quickly), the route divides: to the right, between a few summits, you head directly over to the nearby Rieder Hütte, to the left you descend into the Höllkogelgrube - from there you reach the summit cross on the Großer Höllkogel via a steep slope. A marked path also leads from the Rieder Hütte down into the Höllkogelgrube. The detour from the Rieder Hütte to the Eiblgupf, which offers a fantastic view down to the Vorderer Langbathsee, is also very rewarding. Return along the route described. From the Höllkogelgrube, you can also choose path 830, which descends through the steep cirque of Haselwaldgasse to the former Vordere Spitzalm (hunting lodge). There, the historic "Kaiserweg" (no. 837) joins on the left, which leads high above the Trauntal valley to the Feuerkogel (with a short, secured descent section to master). Path no. 831, on the other hand, winds its way down to Langwies in countless hairpin bends. Turn right there and follow the brine pipeline path for approx. 1.5 km towards Bad Ischl, then turn left over the Traun bridge to the railway station.

Rest stops:
Several inns and hotels on the Feuerkogel, Rieder Hütte.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Großer Höllkogel
Tourismusbüro Ebensee
Toscanapark 1
4802 Ebensee

Phone +43 6133 8016

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4802 Ebensee
Destination: 4802 Ebensee

duration: 10h 22m
length: 21,5 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.708m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.704m

Lowest point: 1.234m
Highest point: 1.820m
difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Some Views

Paths covering:
Hiking trail

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