Haid-Hirschalm-Rundweg Nr.8

  • Possible accommodation

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Starting place: 4280 Königswiesen
Destination: 4280 Königswiesen

duration: 5h 0m
length: 16,0 km

difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Great panorama

Paths covering:
Hiking trail

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From Haid - Klammleiten - Holzschwemmkanal (Gfluder) - Johannesweghütte - summit cross, 920 m - marvellous view (Hirschalmweg connection)
Starting point: Haid
Destination: Summit cross

further information:
  • Possible accommodation
  • Board possible

Accessibility / arrival

by car:
A7 Mühlkreis motorway towards Freistadt - turn right onto B124 Königswiesener Straße to Königswiesen
Haid is located a few kilometres north of Königswiesen

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Most economical season
  • Summer

Please get in touch for more information.

Haid-Hirschalm-Rundweg Nr.8
Mühlviertler Alm
4280 Königswiesen

Phone +43 7955 6255
Fax machine +43 7955 6255 - 32
E-Mail marktgemeinde@koenigswiesen.at
Web www.koenigswiesen.at

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4280 Königswiesen
Destination: 4280 Königswiesen

duration: 5h 0m
length: 16,0 km

difficulty: medium
condition: medium
panoramic view: Great panorama

Paths covering:
Hiking trail

powered by TOURDATA