Nature adventure path Gmundnerberg

  • pets allowed
  • Suitable for families
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • culturally interesting
  • Flatly

 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4813 Altmünster
Destination: 4813 Altmünster

duration: 2h 0m
length: 6,0 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 150m
Altitude difference (downhill): 150m

Lowest point: 730m
Highest point: 880m
difficulty: easy
condition: easy
panoramic view: Dreamtour

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Path / trail, Street, Hiking trail

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information: Akutmeldung/Information

Description: The Gmundnerberg nature trail is now in hibernation and will be open again from 1 May 2024, we look forward to your visit!

Walking with a high fun factor
The Nature Experience Trail, unique in Austria, GOES into its 3rd season.
11 interactive experience stations offer interesting and humorous insights along the existing circular hiking trail in the most beautiful panoramic location on the Gmundnerberg.
on the central theme of WALKING. But also the themes of motor skills, health, culinary delights,
But also the topics of motor skills, health, culinary delights, far-sightedness, cultural landscape, nature park and much more are conveyed - always with a regional reference.
Between the stations, numerous resting places at the most beautiful vantage points provide relaxation.
For children, there are activities at each station and an idyllic forest playground. This is how WALKING really is fun!

The stations in detail:
1. G-right - walking correctly in the outdoor ambulatory.
Coordinative and cognitive skills are equally in demand at three stations. Located in the vicinity of the Neurological Therapy Centre, this station is both a therapy and prevention station. Important prerequisites for walking are trained here in a playful way.
2. g-nuss - a cup of lard with brain lard
Five typical dishes of the region are simmering on our cooker, which are not only a treat for the palate, but also train the visitors' memory. The food memory will reveal whether Riedlinge are really eaten with plum roast.
3rd G-school - For all those who have always wanted to climb high ...
After a short rest on the sunny slope, it's off to walking school. For those who want to reach even higher, the way to the inn is on stilts ;-)

4th G-sichtsfeld - Interactive Panorama
Here, focus and vision are required at the same time.  The landscape looks different from every angle. You can expect exciting insights and views!
to be reckoned with!
5 G-lassen & G-ruhsam - Chilling in the meadow orchard
Lying in the plum half, in the shade of ciberln, spillingen, pemsen, zwispitzen, punzen, Pfludern etc. is a particularly good way to relax.
6 G-ände - Species-rich cultivated landscape
Young farmer Franz explains to the visitors why it is important to g-mow, g-fertilise and g-harvest in the cultivated landscape. The aim is to find out, among other things, what role the hoopoe plays in this.
7 G-lüstet & G-postet - Love Letters from the Gmundnerberg
Would you like to write a love letter? With "G-lüstet & G-postet", greeting cards from the Gmundnerberg will soon be fluttering into your loved ones' homes.
8 G-walked & G-run - Silly walking on the catwalk
Visitors can really go wild on the catwalk and shine alongside Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire with their own walks.
9. g-plays - pure outdoor experience
At the forest playground you can g-staple, g-jump, g-throw, g-hop and g-create with simple natural materials.
10. g-chirps & g-planted - nature wheel of life
At the ultimate wheel of life, visitors learn what they always wanted to know about the natural and cultural features of the Gmundnerberg...
10 G-zwitschert & G-pflanzt - Nature Wheel of Life
On the ultimate wheel of life, visitors find out what they always wanted to know about the natural and cultural features of the Gmundnerberg...
11 G-nervt & G-heilt - Valerian in the Park
In the nature park, medicinal herbs grow that have a calming and sleep-inducing effect. In the park of the therapy centre the motto is "take a deep breath" to smell the "nerve plants" properly - relaxation guaranteed.
 The Gmundnerberg Nature Experience Trail is 6 km long, but can be shortened at any time; the section between the Therapy Centre and Berggasthof Urzn is barrier-free.

further information:
  • Flatly

Details - hiking
  • themed path
  • educational path
  • Parking space: 40
  • Bus parking space: 2
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for schools
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • Pets allowed
  • Suitable for teenagers
  • Suitable for families
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
  • Suitable for children
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Not suitable for wheelchairs. The property is not compliant with Austria's ÖNORM legal standard.

other information
  • Toilet facility for disabled people

Nature adventure path Gmundnerberg
Tourismusbüro Altmünster
Marktstraße 6
4813 Altmünster

Phone +43 7612 87181
Web www.naturerlebnisweg-gmundnerberg.a…

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4813 Altmünster
Destination: 4813 Altmünster

duration: 2h 0m
length: 6,0 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 150m
Altitude difference (downhill): 150m

Lowest point: 730m
Highest point: 880m
difficulty: easy
condition: easy
panoramic view: Dreamtour

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Path / trail, Street, Hiking trail

powered by TOURDATA