Ferienhof Kaiseredt
Oberschlierbach, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- W-Lan
- Suitable for families
Number of rooms/beds, maximum occupancy
- Number of beds: 15
Holiday Appartement
- number Holiday Appartement: 2
- number Persons: 5 - 3
Room amenity
- Bathroom
- Fridge
- TV
- restrooms
- W-Lan
General equipment
- Wifi (free of charge)
- Playground (outdoors)
Sport and recreational facilities
- Ping-pong table
City tax
€ 2,40
- opened daily
- Suitable for families
- Suitable for children
Please get in touch for more information.
- Cows
- Cats
- Rabbits
4554 Oberschlierbach
Phone +43 7582 81024
E-Mail ferienhof_kaiseredt@hotmail.com
Web www.urlaubambauernhof.at/hoefe/kais…
Contact person
Karina & Sebastian Wöckl
Phone +43 7582 81024
E-Mail ferienhof_kaiseredt@hotmail.com
Web www.bauernhof.at/kaiseredt
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