Privatzimmer Simone HEINZ
Hartkirchen, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Located directly in the centre of Hartkirchen Located directly in the centre of Hartkirchen
Number of rooms/beds, maximum occupancy
- Number of rooms: 2
- Number of beds: 5
Number of rooms per room type
- Doubleroom: 2
Prices per person, per night
- Doubleroom: From € 30,00
City tax
€ 2,40
Payment methods
Other payment methods
Cash payment
Discounts (Age-related / Groups)
- Children
- Breakfast
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
Please get in touch for more information.
4081 Hartkirchen
Phone +43 7273 6453
mobile +43 664 9260442
Contact person
Mrs Simone Heinz
Haizingerstraße 7
4081 Hartkirchen
Legal contact information
PrivatzimmerSimone HEINZ
Haizingerstraße 7
AT-4081 Hartkirchen
powered by TOURDATA