Haschpinger Hof
Diersbach, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Opening hoursMi from 4 pmThu - Mon from 11 amRest daysTuesdayVarious rooms: up to 400 seatsShady beer garden: 100 seatsSpecialities/DelicaciesGood plain cooking, prepared with products from the surrounding areaAdditional services10 rooms, 4 boxes, dog kennelBowling alley, children's playground, petting zoo
City tax
€ 2,40
Number of stars according to the chamber of economy
not specified
Please get in touch for more information.
4776 Diersbach
Phone +43 7766 3127
E-Mail haschpingerhof@aon.at
Web www.haschpingerhof.at
Contact person
Christine Vogestseder
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